Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements:

  • Turn in all your written/typed coursework. Instructions are included in PDF below. All coursework and classes will be reviewed and feedback given near your completion of the course in order to graduate. This may take 3-5 business days. Please let us know if this is time sensitive for you.

  • Turn in Two 30 Minute Meditation Classes Submitted by Module 15 Completion: 

Here is what your two 30 min minimum (meaning it's ok if they are longer than 30 minutes) recorded meditations needs to include (all this will be taught during the course):

  • Embody at least the full 30 minutes
  • Introduce yourself and what the student needs to know about the meditation
  • Start the meditation
  • Demonstrate correct tone, pace, way of speaking that holds space for the student and is grounding & relaxing
  • Appropriate pauses for integration
  • Closing the meditation

How to Hand in Coursework - Online YTT Full Circle Yoga School - Google Docs.pdf
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