A Creative Path To Purpose

Want to learn ways to release stress and gain resilience? During these turbulent times it is important that we learn ways to manage not only physically, but mentally as well. In this course you will learn different ways to regulate your breathing in order to tap into your Parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest). You will also learn different ways to move anxiety and depression out of your body, along with as lectures and journaling assignments that dive into your mental health.

Let's use this time as a gift to strengthen our hearts and minds. I will be with you every step of the way. Click the video below to find out more. Love you madly!


Hello and welcome beautiful being! My name is Molly Gene. After 12 years of hard touring and living the rock-n-roll lifestyle, I found yoga. Through this life saving change, I started to discover the power music could have in the healing realm. These songs I have created for you are designed to put you in altered states of consciousness, and connect you to your higher self. In this 10 day immersion we will be exploring these melodies combined with breathing exercises, meditations, and journaling inquiries to help connect to your purpose and tap into a deeper level of emotional resilience.

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$250 value!