Course Overview
🌟 Welcome to The Channeling Mastery Course! 🌟 This course can be utilized as a 7 day course however nourishing your mind body and spirit with these practices over several weeks or more is highly suggested!
Dear Beloved,
I am so excited for you to step into a realm where the ordinary transcends into the extraordinary, and the mundane becomes magical. I am delighted to welcome you to this amazing course - an exploration into the profound and mystical practices of channeling.
Channeling is not merely a skill; it's a sacred art that invites you to open the portals of divine wisdom within yourself while connecting to guides or collectives. In this course, we embark on a transformative journey together, unraveling the secrets of channeling and delving into the depths of your intuition. Prepare to be enchanted as you discover the limitless possibilities that unfold when you connect to higher realms.
With boundless love and light,
Jolie Wilson - FCYS Owner & Founder, Channeling Mastery Course Facilitator
Here are your steps to get started:
- Join our WhatsApp Community this is not required, however, highly suggested to stay connected, practice with fellow students, share your progress, insights, ect.
- Get a journal - You'll be asked to journal after channeling sessions on how you feel, any insights that come through, ect. This is REALLY important to track your progress.
- Next read the course completion requirements in full in the next module and how to submit your coursework.
Please email us at [email protected] for ALL questions, tech help, support ect.
Sky Above, Earth Below, Peace Within,
Jolie Wilson - FCYS Owner & Founder